The Studio Athens is excited to announce the renaming and revamping of our recreational youth program!
Introducing School of the Arts at The Studio Athens, formerly our recreational youth program.
School of the Arts offers recreational dance, theater and voice classes for ages 2.5 – 16. These classes meet once per week with a recital at the end of the season in May!
Whether your child is training for a career or simply just enjoying dance and theatre, we want to offer the highest quality arts education possible. We will now offer multi-leveling of dance classes as well as classes in theatre and voice. The Studio Athens will continue to create a welcoming community for all students to excel and learn.
Our 2024-2025 Dance Season starts August 12, 2024 and runs through May. Our Season 4 recital will be May 17, 2025.
Our 2025-2026 Dance Season starts August 18, 2025 and runs through May. Registration will be opening soon!
View the 2024-2025 School of the Arts schedule below!